Nicolas Moreau, Alexis Parmentier, Mylène Lebon-Eyquem. Is training helpful in boosting the self-confidence and professional integration of young people not in employment, education, or training? Results from a randomized experiment. 2024. ⟨hal-04409646⟩
Pré-publication, Document de travail
Is training helpful in boosting the self-confidence and professional integration of young people not in employment, education, or training? Results from a randomized experiment
The growth effects of tropical cyclones in the U.S.: new evidence from state to county level Eric Kulanthaivelu. The growth effects of tropical cyclones in the U.S.: new evidence from state to county level. 2023. ⟨hal-04183375v2⟩The Effect of National Policies on Connectedness of the COVID-19: Before vs. During the Availability of the Vaccines Charles Olivier Mao Takongmo, Adam Touré, Laetitia Lebihan. The Effect of National Policies on Connectedness of the COVID-19: Before vs. During the Availability of the Vaccines. 2023. ⟨hal-04289036⟩
Tropical Cyclones and Fertility : New Evidence from Madagascar Idriss Fontaine, Sabine Garabedian, David Nortes Martínez, Hélène Vérèmes. Tropical Cyclones and Fertility : New Evidence from Madagascar. 2021. ⟨hal-03243455⟩Intermittent collusive agreements: antitrust policy and business cycles Emilie Dargaud, Armel Jacques. Intermittent collusive agreements: antitrust policy and business cycles. 2021. ⟨hal-04079929⟩The effects of age on educational performances at the end of primary school : cross-sectional and regression discontinuity approach applications from Reunion Island Daniel Rakotomalala. The effects of age on educational performances at the end of primary school : cross-sectional and regression discontinuity approach applications from Reunion Island. 2021. ⟨hal-03243392⟩Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A preliminary cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands Jean-François Hoarau. Is international tourism responsible for the pandemic of COVID-19? A preliminary cross-country analysis with a special focus on small islands. 2021. ⟨hal-03234289⟩
Decomposition of interaction indices: alternative interpretations of cardinal-probabilistic interaction indices * Sébastien Courtin, Rodrigue Tido Takeng, Frédéric Chantreuil. Decomposition of interaction indices: alternative interpretations of cardinal-probabilistic interaction indices *. 2020. ⟨hal-02952516⟩The specific role of agriculture for economic vulnerability of small island spaces Stéphane Blancard, Maximin Bonnet, Jean-François Hoarau. The specific role of agriculture for economic vulnerability of small island spaces. 2020. ⟨hal-02441237⟩Slowdown antitrust investigations by decentralization Emilie Dargaud, Armel Jacques. Slowdown antitrust investigations by decentralization. 2020. ⟨halshs-02613352⟩Employment Fluctuations, Job Polarization and Non-Standard Work: Evidence from France and the US Olivier Charlot, Idriss Fontaine, Thepthida Sopraseuth. Employment Fluctuations, Job Polarization and Non-Standard Work: Evidence from France and the US. 2020. ⟨hal-02441207⟩A SAS macro to assess covariate balance between the treated and control samples Nicolas Moreau. A SAS macro to assess covariate balance between the treated and control samples. 2020. ⟨hal-02935466⟩Tourisme et croissance économique dans les petites économies insulaires : à l'épreuve des modèles à seuil David Perrain, Philippe Jean-Pierre. Tourisme et croissance économique dans les petites économies insulaires : à l'épreuve des modèles à seuil. 2020. ⟨hal-02462562⟩Slowdown antitrust investigations by decentralization Emilie Dargaud, Armel Jacques. Slowdown antitrust investigations by decentralization. 2020. ⟨hal-04079826⟩
Dynamics of Part-Time Employment to an Aggregate Shock: a Sign-Restriction Approach Idriss Fontaine. Dynamics of Part-Time Employment to an Aggregate Shock: a Sign-Restriction Approach. 2019. ⟨hal-03665947⟩Labour market flows: accounting for the public sector Idriss Fontaine, Ismael Galvez-Iniesta, Pedro Gomes, Diego Vila-Martin. Labour market flows: accounting for the public sector. 2019. ⟨hal-03665955⟩Labour market flows : Accounting for the public sector Idriss Fontaine, Ismael Galvez-Iniesta, Pedro Gomes, Diego Vila-Martin. Labour market flows : Accounting for the public sector. 2019. ⟨hal-02334064⟩A SAS macro to perform Abadie's "Bootstrap tests for Distributional Treatment Effects in Instrumental Variable Models" (2002) Nicolas Moreau. A SAS macro to perform Abadie's "Bootstrap tests for Distributional Treatment Effects in Instrumental Variable Models" (2002). 2019. ⟨hal-02270859⟩Economic Theory, Phoenician Pre-coinage External Trade, Changes in the Economic Surplus and its Appropriation - An initial Perspective Clement Tisdell, Serge Svizzero. Economic Theory, Phoenician Pre-coinage External Trade, Changes in the Economic Surplus and its Appropriation - An initial Perspective. 2019. ⟨hal-02274893⟩Barter and the Origin of Money and Some Insights from the Ancient Palatial Economies of Mesopotamia and Egypt Serge Svizzero, Clement Tisdell. Barter and the Origin of Money and Some Insights from the Ancient Palatial Economies of Mesopotamia and Egypt. 2019. ⟨hal-02274856⟩The interaction between labour force participation of older men and their wife: lessons from France Idriss Fontaine. The interaction between labour force participation of older men and their wife: lessons from France. 2019. ⟨hal-02334085⟩
A SAS macro for estimation and inference in differences-in-differences applications with only a few treated groups Nicolas Moreau. A SAS macro for estimation and inference in differences-in-differences applications with only a few treated groups. 2018. ⟨hal-01691486⟩A SAS macro for estimation and inference in differences-in-differences applications with within cluster correlation and cluster-corrections for a few clusters Nicolas Moreau. A SAS macro for estimation and inference in differences-in-differences applications with within cluster correlation and cluster-corrections for a few clusters. 2018. ⟨hal-01691476⟩Le travail à temps partiel en France : une étude des évolutions récentes basée sur les flux Idriss Fontaine, Etienne Lalé, Alexis Parmentier. Le travail à temps partiel en France : une étude des évolutions récentes basée sur les flux. 2018. ⟨halshs-01878441⟩Une macro-commande SAS pour le modèle Probit à effets aléatoires Nicolas Moreau. Une macro-commande SAS pour le modèle Probit à effets aléatoires. 2018. ⟨hal-01691529⟩A SAS macro to estimate Average Treatment Effects with Propensity Score Matching Nicolas Moreau. A SAS macro to estimate Average Treatment Effects with Propensity Score Matching. 2018. ⟨hal-01691528⟩How resilient is La Réunion interms of international tourism attractiveness: an assessment from unit root tests with structural breaks from1981-2015 Amélie Charles, Olivier Darné, Jean-François Hoarau. How resilient is La Réunion interms of international tourism attractiveness: an assessment from unit root tests with structural breaks from1981-2015. 2018. ⟨hal-01943891⟩Les territoires ultramarins face à la transition énergétique : les apports d'un MEGC pour la Réunion Sabine Garabedian, Olivia Ricci. Les territoires ultramarins face à la transition énergétique : les apports d'un MEGC pour la Réunion. 2018. ⟨halshs-01878447⟩A SAS macro to perform Dong and Lewbel's "Simple Estimator for Binary Choice Models" (2015) Nicolas Moreau. A SAS macro to perform Dong and Lewbel's "Simple Estimator for Binary Choice Models" (2015). 2018. ⟨hal-01691487⟩A SAS macro to estimate Average Treatment Effects with Matching Estimators Nicolas Moreau. A SAS macro to estimate Average Treatment Effects with Matching Estimators. 2018. ⟨hal-01691489⟩The Significant Impact of Abstentions on Election Outcomes William V. Gehrlein, Dominique Lepelley. The Significant Impact of Abstentions on Election Outcomes. 2018. ⟨hal-01778028⟩
Vulnérabilités économique et environnementale comparées des économies ultramarines françaises Michaël Goujon, Jean-François Hoarau, Françoise Rivière. Vulnérabilités économique et environnementale comparées des économies ultramarines françaises. 2017. ⟨hal-01454719⟩How the Neolithic Revolution Has Unfolded: Invention and Adoption or Change and Adaptation? Addressing the Diffusion Controversy about Initial Domestication Serge Svizzero. How the Neolithic Revolution Has Unfolded: Invention and Adoption or Change and Adaptation? Addressing the Diffusion Controversy about Initial Domestication. 2017. ⟨hal-02145476⟩Epuisement professionnel des médecins généralistes libéraux en France et conflit travail-famille, une revue de littérature Claire Edey Gamassou, Virginie Moisson-Duthoit. Epuisement professionnel des médecins généralistes libéraux en France et conflit travail-famille, une revue de littérature. 2017. ⟨hal-01528826⟩
Has China Replaced Colonial Trade ? Laurent Didier, Pamina Koenig. Has China Replaced Colonial Trade ?. 2016. ⟨halshs-01397801⟩Different Behavioral Explanations of the Neolithic Transition from Foraging to Agriculture: A Review Clement Allan Tisdell, Serge Svizzero. Different Behavioral Explanations of the Neolithic Transition from Foraging to Agriculture: A Review. 2016. ⟨hal-02147758⟩
The Failure of Neoclassical Economics Modelling and Human Behavioural Ecology to Satisfactorily Explain the Evolution of Neolithic Society Clement Allan Tisdell, Serge Svizzero. The Failure of Neoclassical Economics Modelling and Human Behavioural Ecology to Satisfactorily Explain the Evolution of Neolithic Society. 2015. ⟨hal-02152047⟩Endogenous firms' organization, internal audit and leniency programs Emilie Dargaud, Armel Jacques. Endogenous firms' organization, internal audit and leniency programs. 2015. ⟨halshs-01199268⟩The Collapse of Some Ancient Societies Due to Unsustainable Mining Development Clement Allan Tisdell, Serge Svizzero. The Collapse of Some Ancient Societies Due to Unsustainable Mining Development. 2015. ⟨hal-02152043⟩Rent Extraction, Population Growth and Economic Development: Development Despite Malthus’ Theory and Precursors to the Industrial Revolution Clement Allan Tisdell, Serge Svizzero. Rent Extraction, Population Growth and Economic Development: Development Despite Malthus’ Theory and Precursors to the Industrial Revolution. 2015. ⟨hal-02150103⟩An Assessment of the Post 2015 Global Development Agenda Clement Allan Tisdell, Serge Svizzero. An Assessment of the Post 2015 Global Development Agenda. 2015. ⟨hal-02152045⟩The Role of Palatial Economic Organization in Creating Wealth in Minoan and Mycenaean States Serge Svizzero, Clement Allan Tisdell. The Role of Palatial Economic Organization in Creating Wealth in Minoan and Mycenaean States. 2015. ⟨hal-02150102⟩The Malthusian Trap and Development in Pre-Industrial Societies: A View Differing from the Standard One Clement Allan Tisdell, Serge Svizzero. The Malthusian Trap and Development in Pre-Industrial Societies: A View Differing from the Standard One. 2015. ⟨hal-02152050⟩
Theories about the Commencement of Agriculture in Prehistoric Societies: A Critical Evaluation Serge Svizzero, Clement Allan Tisdell. Theories about the Commencement of Agriculture in Prehistoric Societies: A Critical Evaluation. 2014. ⟨hal-02152724⟩Theories about the Commencement of Agriculture in Prehistoric Societies: A Critical Evaluation Serge Svizzero, Clement Allan Tisdell. Theories about the Commencement of Agriculture in Prehistoric Societies: A Critical Evaluation. 2014. ⟨hal-02152052⟩Hunter-Gatherer Societies: Their Diversity and Evolutionary Processes Serge Svizzero, Clement Allan Tisdell. Hunter-Gatherer Societies: Their Diversity and Evolutionary Processes. 2014. ⟨hal-02152682⟩Inequality and Wealth Creation in Ancient History: Malthus' Theory Reconsidered Serge Svizzero, Clement Allan Tisdell. Inequality and Wealth Creation in Ancient History: Malthus' Theory Reconsidered. 2014. ⟨hal-02152641⟩The Neolithic Revolution and Human Societies: Diverse Origins and Development Paths Serge Svizzero, Clement Allan Tisdell. The Neolithic Revolution and Human Societies: Diverse Origins and Development Paths. 2014. ⟨hal-02153090⟩
An Economic Evaluation of Model Risk in Long-term Asset Allocations Christophe Boucher, Gregory Jannin, Bertrand Maillet, Patrick Kouontchou. An Economic Evaluation of Model Risk in Long-term Asset Allocations. 2013. ⟨halshs-00825303⟩Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU’s ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island Fabien Candau, Michaël Goujon, Jean-François Hoarau, Serge Rey. Real exchange rate and competitiveness of an EU’s ultra-peripheral region: La Reunion Island. 2013. ⟨hal-01847942⟩
Providing adequate economic incentives for bioenergies with CO2 capture and geological storage Olivia Ricci. Providing adequate economic incentives for bioenergies with CO2 capture and geological storage. 2011. ⟨halshs-00829641⟩
Taux de change réel et compétitivité de l'économie réunionnaise Fabien Candau, Michaël Goujon, Jean-François Hoarau, Serge Rey. Taux de change réel et compétitivité de l'économie réunionnaise. 2010. ⟨hal-01847945⟩Avantages comparatifs et distance, le cas de l'île de la Réunion Fabien Candau, Jean-François Hoarau, Serge Rey. Avantages comparatifs et distance, le cas de l'île de la Réunion. 2010. ⟨hal-01847944⟩
Does the real GDP per capita convergence hold in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa? Amélie Charles, Olivier Darné, Jean-François Hoarau. Does the real GDP per capita convergence hold in the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa?. 2009. ⟨hal-00422522⟩